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Lotus in Bloom

Higher Self Embodiment

21 - 23 March 2025
Equinox Weekend workshop
@ Casa Solara Algarve

Residential or Non-Residential 

 Mastering Higher Self Embodiment is very different for different people.

Join Solara An-Ra and your Light Tribe in person to master the techniques that work for YOU!

Practical tools that allow you to truly live your highest truth, joy and purpose EVERY DAY, no matter what is presenting in your life. The Time Is Now!



Higher Self embodiment has taken on a new meaning for me since completing my book, Rainbow Bridge to New Earth. My guides told me that the completion of the book would herald a new beginning, including a change of direction in my work. They told me that there would be no need to channel in the same 'direct-voice' manner in my future timeline - which was a super scary thought. Channelling has been like my 'super-power!'


I know that when I am teaching and channelling - and am therefore in the flow of my joyful service work - I am always in Higher Self Connection. But what about when I am not teaching? Why have I not been making more progress towards embodying my Higher Self in everyday life? This is what I am committing to in this now-moment - and what I am about to share with you, dear Light Tribe! I am downloading exactly what recalibrations are needed to re-establish Higher Self connection when any situation has caused you to lose it.  The Time Is Now for each and every one of us to let go of the perception that it is only the guides who are wise, powerful and beautiful. WE are the amazing multidimensional Light Warriors for whom we have been awaiting!


Higher Self Embodiment is indeed an upgrade which is natural for a species going through the ascension process. The rapid increase our Light quotient as the energies on Gaia increase means that we are automatically undergoing an energetic upgrade. However, we are all also facing challenges as our full DNA connection progresses  - and the challenges we are facing are very unique to each individual. Mastering Higher Self Embodiment is therefore very different for different people.


In this workshop I will guide you though several alternative techniques so that you come to clarity on exactly which techniques are appropriate for everyone - and which ones work particularly well for you in specific situations. These practical techniques will allow you to truly live your highest truth, joy and purpose EVERY DAY, no matter what is presenting in your life. 


Included will be quantum conscious breath, energy recalibration, paired-chakra healing and multi-dimensional chakra activation. These will be taught in the context of self-healing on a physical-mental-emotional level, personal relationships, global crisis and joyful service work - in other words, you will learn how to recalibrate into Higher Self connection in all contexts of Earth Life.


In each of the 4 sessions there will be a Q&A session for you to receive guidance & feedback. Expect a workshop filled with Higher Self realisations, laughter, fun, expansion and connection with your Light Tribe. The Time Is Now!

€144: workshop only
(Sat & Sun 9 am - 5 pm)

€444: incl 3 nights @ Casa Solara Algarve (2 per room), breakfast & dinner

€555: incl 3 nights @ Casa Solara Algarve (private room), breakfast & dinner

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Solara An-Ra, author of ‘Pleiadian Emissary to Gaia’ & Rainbow Bridge to New Earth' is a South African-born channel who has been transmitting the wisdom of the Star Councils of Light since 2007, a collective of Star Beings that include Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Andromedans & Lyrans.

One of Solara's greatest gifts to the world is the guided meditations that she provides free of charge on her YouTube channel and on this website - transmissions which are used by hundreds of thousands across the globe. She also teaches in-person  workshops from her Centre of Light in Portugal: Casa Solara Algarve.


In September 2025 Solara is taking a group through the sacred sites of Glastonbury, Stonehenge & Avebury. This trip is fully booked, but there are still places remaining on the Glastonbury 2-day workshop on the 8th & 9th September, which includes a 9.9.9 Glastonbury Tor Activation.


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