Opening to Channel-Writing
Activate or Deepen your Ability to Channel in Written form
Solara An-Ra & the Star Councils of Light
Part 1: Sunday 8th September 2024
Part 2: Sunday 15th September 2024
09.00 - 12.00 PST (San Francisco, Vancouver time)
17.00 - 20.00 WET (Lisbon/London time)
Part 1: An introduction to writing- channelling - a grounded, safe way to connect with your Higher Self and guides to bring through personal guidance, leading you forward on your Path of Light and Purpose!
Part 2: Sunday 15th September: Going deeper into the channelling skill, with Q&A (problem-solving after practising every day for a week)
What is your motivation for opening to channel? Search your heart now. If it is to be led forward on your path, moving progressively into peace, balance, self- empowerment, joy, abundance - and to gain clarity on how you may be of service to the world - then this course is for you!
I used to believe that channelling in writing form was inferior to channelling through the voice - but that was only because my first experiences with channelling had come through receiving spoken guidance from other channels, mediums and psychics. When I started channelling for myself in 1998, I didn't even try to write-channel. Nearly every day, for years, I practiced asking for guidance and speaking the answers into a small, old-fashioned tape recorder - and then transcribed the material onto paper, collecting files and files of guidance over many years, that I would re-read as often as I felt the urge. Reading through the last months or years of guidance allowed me to re-calibrate my path and purpose over and over again - it was the guidance system that changed my life in so many weird and wonderful ways that it was as if I was a walk-in experiencing a whole new Earth life!
I am overwhelmingly grateful for the role that channelling has played in my unfolding Path of Light and Purpose! And when I succeeded in transitioning into writing-channelling - and coming into FULL TRUST that the process was identical to speaking-channelling, and just as powerful and trust-worthy - I had to laugh at how much time I would have saved myself simply writing the guidance down instead of recording it - and then having to transcribe it! Of course I know WHY my guides trained me first as a spoken-channel - because there were messages and guided meditations that would prove to be indispensable for so many on the path of awakening on the planet. But writing-channelling is, for most people, a far less intimidating introduction to the channelling skill! Thus I am passing this skill onto YOU, dear Light Tribe of Gaia, that you may benefit from the connection with your guides and Higher Self Aspects in the way that the thousands of students I have taught have done before you. The Time Is Now!
In this online workshop you will learn: -
the fundamental principles of channelling and why you would want to practise it.
a simple series of energy realignment which facilitates connection with higher dimensional guides.
techniques to activate the third eye & integrate the left and right brain hemispheres to facilitate channelling.
how to move through blocks as you begin your practise.
the difference between chanelling your Higher Self or a guide/group of guides.
Please avoid alcohol and drugs before - and during the workshop
Please have a special Channelling Book & pen at the ready - A5 size is good - not too small that you have to turn pages often - not too big to fit in your handbag - as you will sometimes carry the book around with you to either re-read channelling from the past weeks/months - and/or do writing-channelling practice in different locations.
Please practice the NEW ESSENTIAL DAILY PRACTICES Meditation 2 or 3 times a day in the week leading up to the workshop - you can listen to it and/or download it here

Solara An-Ra, author of 'Rainbow Bridge to New Earth' and ‘Pleiadian Emissary to Gaia’, is a South African-born channel who works primarily with the Star Councils of Light, a collective of Star Beings who are assisting us through the ascension process that we are experiencing on Earth between 2011 and 2035.
One of Solara's greatest gifts to the world is the guided meditations that she provides free of charge on her YouTube channel and on this website - transmissions which are used by hundreds of thousands across the globe. Assisted by her guides, Solara travels the globe, taking groups to activate the Light Grids of our planet at chosen sacred sites.
After founding and running a spiritual Community & Retreat Centre on the island of Ibiza for 6 years, she has now followed her guidance to create 'Casa Solara Algarve' in Southern Portugal - a new 'Centre of Light' which attracts Star-Soul Family together. The Star Councils of Light say that many will move into this area, making a spiritual community who do not live together, but who co-create a new way of assisting each other into our power, wisdom and beauty.
Solara is now hosting amazing yearly Star-Soul Family gatherings in Southern Portugal called NEW EARTH Conference and Festival ~ the third one is on April 25 - 27th 2025! The Time Is Now co-create a world where we share our skills, gifts and teachings with our Star-Soul Family. This is the way we birth the New Earth based on love, kindness and cooperation.!

Linda, Portugal
The Open to Channelling Course provided such personal expansion and activation that I know it will have long and far reaching effects both in my personal life and my practice with clients.
Solara is an exceptionally gifted teacher providing practical guidance and helpful suggestions from her years of experience. Highly recommended!
Sulinara, UK
This course awoken my innate ability to channel my highest dimensional support family.
I was lost for so long but now have this loving and supportive connection whenever I choose.
From this wisdom I am transforming my life into what it should always have been, a place of freedom, excitement and embodying my healing skills for the greater good off all into the Golden Age of Aquarius
Elyssia, Netherlands
A life changing experience! In a very professional, practical and easy going way, Solara An-Ra takes you into the highest energy to channel-write. The techniques learned, are not only beneficial for my own growth, acceleration, creative expansion and daily life experience, but also for the benefit of my clients, friends and family! ☀

Silvia ~ Slovenia
Opening to Channel was definitely the most powerful class I ever took. I learned that I need to work and connect with new chakras that are located above my head. And that changed everything for me. It has expanded my life and my writing beyond my wildest dreams! No more writer’s block :)
Ma-El-An ~ UK
The invocations * preparation steps Solara teaches - together with Solara's detailed explanation with questions and answers gave me greater confidence and alleviated my anxieties with channeling.
I found the course fascinating and I am hungry to learn more!
Monique ~ Namibia
Channelling-writing is an invaluable skill to have mastered! Aand I could not have asked for better and more efficient teacher.
I loved your straight to the point and practical approach! ❤

Parts 1 or 2: Usually $111 each
$55 for the Kryon/Healing Wednesday community!
(You may do Part 1 before deciding if you want to commit to part 2)
Or Parts 1 & 2 for $111